Yuval Feldman is The Kaplan Professor of Legal Research at Bar-Ilan University Law School Israel, where he has taught since 2004. He received a BA in Psychology and an LLB (1998) both from Bar-Ilan University, and a PhD in Jurisprudence and Social Policy from UC Berkeley (1999-2004), supervised by Robert D. Cooter, Philip Tetlock, and Robert J. MacCoun. He clerked in the Israeli Supreme Court from 1998-1999. From 2011 to 2013, he was a fellow in the Edmond J. Safra Lab at Harvard Law School and the Implicit Social Cognition Lab in Harvard Psychology (Mazahrin Banaji lab) where he studied both the experimental and theoretical implications of behavioral ethics for the legal theory of implicit corruption and conflict of interests. Since 2014, he has been a senior Fellow at the Israeli Democracy Institute where he co-heads a multi-disciplinary team that runs lab and field experiments as well as policy analysis on national level projects, in the areas of meritocracy in the Israeli public sector, discrimination, corruption and judicial decision-making. In 2016 he was elected to Israel’s Young Academy of Sciences.

  Feldman’s teaching and collaborative research focuses on Behavioral analysis of law; Ethical decision making; Regulatory impact and compliance, Enforcement and social norms; and Employment law. Feldman has received more than 15 national fellowships and awards including Rothschild, Fulbright, Alon, Olin, and Zeltner as well as research grants from the EU, The Israel National Science Foundation and the German Israel Foundation . He has a forthcoming book from Cambridge University Press 2016 on The Law of Good People: Challenging State Ability to Regulate Human Behavior